Pedrigree Chart for Anna, Margo and Marian

Pedrigree Chart for Anna, Margo and Marian

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Civil War Pension Record for #8 - John Francis Green

This pension record of John Francis Green for service in the Civil War states that his date of death was 30 Jan 1906. Note that he is referred to as an Invalid.


  1. Was this one page all you received with his C. W. pension record? I'm about to order my g-g-grandfather's C.W. pension record and seeing that you have only one page, I'm having second thoughts about spending $75.00 for a single piece of paper.

  2. Nancy, I have both ordered a CW Pension Application File, and copied one in person at The National Archives. The above record from John F. Green's file is not one I obtained myself. I was very successful in obtaining a complete file full of useful information when I ordered one and, of course, when I copied one in person. There should be much more in the file than what you see above.

  3. Carole, thanks so much for responding. I ordered the pension file tonight. I hope it has lots of information in it! I'll be waiting 42 to 120 days. Thanks again.

  4. Good luck, Nancy! Hope it holds treasures of information for you. I'd love to hear about it!

  5. I have learned recently that the Final pension payment record can be valuable as it may state survivors.
    Theresa (Tangled Trees)
